work with us


PMI operates in teams and clusters to create our publications, radio programming, events and projects.

Internship and volunteer inquiries for Lumpen Radio, Lumpen Magazine, Co-Prosperity, Buddy and Lumpen TV are reviewed quarterly by committee of Public Media Institute volunteers and administrators.

Internships should be proposed 3 months prior to the requested period. Internships last at least 6 months and no longer than a year, entail a 6 hour commitment weekly, and are designed with the intern to focus on projects or skills that apply to their areas of interest and desired learning.

Volunteer roles are available across the many programs of Public Media Institute – help us understand what you’re interested in so we can plug you in with the appropriate folks.

Click here for the intern & volunteer interest form.


We are also seeking partners for programming events.

Art administrators, curators, writers, editors, and designers are also encouraged to inquire about opportunities.

Please email